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Writer's picturetellmepluto

Hello Scorpio-Season!

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Let's go deeep!

A lot is being said about scorpio energy and as a scorpio rising myself, I can tell how many times we have to take the blame lol.

Scorpios are said to be manipulative, sadistic, mean & dark emo's, associated with death and dark magic. They want to dominate you and can look to the deepest point of your soul. Yes, we can be a lot, so it's definitely time to dismantle some of those prejudices.

Scorpio energy is linked to death - but not in that dark and dangerous way that so many people feel.

Scorpio is about overcoming boundaries and that includes topics such as taboos, secrets, sexuality and of course death itself. In order to break every boundary that life is giving us, scorpio energy is very discliplined, extreme and honest. It goes deep down, as deep as possible, no limits- all or nothing, no compromises!

There is no crisis to fear, as we can overcome pretty much anything and gain our strenght from it by learning our lessons and by releasing toxic patterns and behaviours.

Scorpio as the sign that follows Libra's pragmatism deals with the deep truth. Being dishonest in order to keep the harmony? Not possible with scorpio energy, it digs until every little lie & every little shadow is coming to light. And in order to create this authenticity, scorpios even tend to total self-abandonment.

Great willpower, sincerity, loyalty and consistency are typical attributes that are linked to the scorpio energy and that can help us to understand our deepest fears, limits and taboos. They help us to dig deep within ourselves in order to overcome our own limits so that we can rise from the ashes like phoenix.

There is no crisis to fear, as we can overcome pretty much anything and gain our strenght from it by learning our lessons and by releasing toxic patterns and behaviours.

So yes, there is death in the air, but in a good way - old & false parts of ourselves can now die to give birth to the real and authentic ones - lets go!

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