It's going to be explosive!

This time, the moon in aquarius is opposing the sun in Leo. Both making a square to Uranus.
This not only reinforces the Aquarius topic, but also increases our internal pressure of wanting to break out and free.
Mercury making an opposition to Saturn, too - so there is a lot of suspense-packed energy.
So it is all about the difference and the unification of the ME and the WE, the personal and the collective level.
Aquarius-Uranus topics stand for community, justice, change and freedom.
Our urge for these values is currently very strong and we want to act, rebel, change and fight for our values.
On the one hand, we benefit from the creative potential of that leo sun , on the other hand, leo's independent and sometimes even self-centered energy can pull us in the opposite direction.
So it is all about the difference and the unification of the ME and the WE, the personal and the collective level. It is particularly important to first work out which values we want to live in ourselves and to really stand and show up for them. We learn to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions.
The next step is to unite with others in order to fight and change together for a greater good. And all of this in a respectful and powerful cooperation.
In short: change always begins in ourselves and finds its strength in joint action.